Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Garbage at a material

Garbage is growing. I recently read an article on pantopicon.be/blog about the trash problem that arose in Naples, Italy. The article outlined some of the ways in which trash can be turned around. For example, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. While interesting, it’s still wild that a modern day city could end up in such a way. I have been to third world countries where there was no trash pickup or waste disposal system at all… but there WAS one in Naples and this was still a possible fall out.
The reusable idea of this article reminds me of a device that I have heard of before. In many third world countries, non-biodegradable trashes such as plastic bags are left to clutter up the streets. The device takes the plastic bags and compresses them for use as bricks… in order to build small furniture such as a bench.


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