Tuesday, November 11, 2008

3D scanning.

I found this to be an interesting video. This is part of a project run by the Eyebeam Openlab (who promotes the research of digital media, exploration, and experimentation).
This world is changing faster than we can keep up... I found it fascinating to watch the process. In this video, the creators basically show a way of scanning 3D objects. In the video, they use a pool of ink. A person then goes into the pool of ink and they are able to use a webcam to take pictures of the change... allowing them to recreate a 3D model of the person on the computer screen. Before trying this, they first started the project by creating the same sort of effect... just on a much smaller scale. I watched another video in which they scanned a 3D image of a figurine by pouring milk over the object.

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